June 14, 2023

Automated Meeting Recaps

We recently released an update to help your team make meetings more productive, even after they end: automated meeting recaps.

When a meeting is recorded by Rewatch – whether it's held on Zoom, Google Meet, or MS Teams – a recap email is automatically sent to all invitees as soon the meeting ends.

Recap emails include an AI-generated summary and a link to the meeting recording. With recaps, team members can confidently skip meetings knowing that they will automatically get what is needed to stay in the loop. If something stands out in the summary, it only takes one click from the inbox to watch the full video or the meeting highlights, review action items and a timestamped summary, or read the meeting transcript. It’s just as easy to start a conversation with teammates through comments.

This is more than just a meeting recap. It’s a fully automated way for teams to stay aligned, collaborate — especially with our Slack integration — save time, and never forget a minute of a meeting.

Control who receives the recap
By default, meeting recaps are sent to all internal invitees (anybody with a matching email address). Meeting owners can adjust this by going to their meeting settings and selecting who should receive meeting recap emails.

Video visibility and permissions
The meeting recording will be automatically shared with everybody who receives a recap. This means that meeting owners can still keep their videos unpublished or private, while still giving access to the folks who were involved in the meeting.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Google Calendar can now be connected for all team members by a channel admin
  • Series video thumbnails can now be customized by the video's owner
  • Updated our Slack notifications to include AI-generated content
  • Updated the sort order of notifications to sort chronologically
  • Added ability to edit the an AI-generated action item's assignee name
  • Added the channel open signup link to the "Invite people" modal for admins
  • Added collection-related activity to the channel audit logs
  • Removed a restriction that disabled AI-generated notes for short videos
  • Modal windows can now be closed when clicking outside of the window area
  • Fixed an issue that blocked channel admins from sharing clips they don't own
  • Fixed an issue with how Safari was handling fonts in some form elements