Stop letting customer feedback go to waste...

4 ways teams benefit from a 360° customer view

Dive deep, understand the Voice of the Customer, and drive your business decisions with unparalleled clarity

  • 01.

    Marketing goldmine

    Transcripts and recordings from customer meetings become stories, feeding marketing with real-life testimonials and insights, driving authentic narratives.

  • 02.

    Product perfection

    Speedy feature rollouts, real-time bug fixes? Your organization as a competitive advantage when product teams can instantaneously act on direct customer feedback.

  • 03.

    Supercharged Sales

    Track conversations, understand prospect pain points, and close deals faster with a comprehensive view of every conversation.

  • 04.

    Empowered Customer Success

    Instantly tap into client feedback from meetings, streamlining issue resolution and amplifying successes. Turn clients into advocates.

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Rewatch is instrumental to the way our engineering organization shares information and knowledge. It’s a key part of our playbook for working better, together, asynchronously.


Kelvin Pham

Dir of Engineering Practices

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Rewatch FAQs

  • 01.
    What is Rewatch?

    Rewatch revolutionizes the way organizations operate by cutting through the noise of unnecessary meetings, streamlining information-sharing, and boosting productivity with a modern, knowledge engine that provides AI-powered insights based on real-time happenings.

    With Rewatch’s native iOS/Android mobile apps and desktop screen recorder, you gain access to AI-driven meeting summaries, creative screen and camera recording, and a collaborative video hub that seamlessly integrates with your team’s preferred tools. You can also share recordings internally or externally through direct access link or embed.

  • 02.
    How can Rewatch benefit my organization?

    Rewatch can save your company time and money by reducing the need for excessive meetings, making necessary meetings more productive through AI-powered insights, and ensuring consistent, efficient sharing of valuable information and insights.

  • 03.
    How does Rewatch stand out from its competitors?

    Unlike many competitors, Rewatch offers a comprehensive all-in-one solution, merging enterprise-grade features with user-friendliness, ensuring both functionality and ease of use.

  • 04.
    How does the AI-driven meeting summary work?

    Using advanced AI algorithms, Rewatch can quickly analyze meeting content and provide concise, actionable summaries, ensuring that key points and decisions are captured and easily accessible. Rewatch’s AI also delivers transcripts in multiple languages.

  • 05.
    What is the purpose of the collaborative video hub?

    The video hub serves as a centralized platform where teams can store, share, and collaborate on videos, making it a single source for all video content and ensuring easy access, searchability, and collaboration.

  • 06.
    Can I share my Rewatch videos?

    Yes! You can easily share a Rewatch video internally or externally. Invite anyone to view by giving them video access, copy and share the direct link, or embed the video.

  • 07.
    Can I use Rewatch for screen and camera recording?

    Absolutely. Rewatch offers creative screen and camera recording options, allowing teams to create and/or capture presentations, tutorials, demos, and more with ease.

  • 08.
    How does Rewatch promote knowledge sharing within an organization?

    By consolidating meeting summaries, video recordings, and other content in a centralized platform, Rewatch encourages effortless dissemination of information, allowing employees to access and share knowledge seamlessly.

  • 09.
    How secure is my data with Rewatch?

    Rewatch prioritizes data security, utilizing enterprise-grade security measures to ensure that your organization's information remains confidential and protected.

  • 10.
    Is Rewatch suitable for large enterprises?

    Yes, Rewatch is designed with both SMEs and large enterprises in mind. Its features are user-friendly and built to scale and cater to the diverse needs of growing organizations.

  • 11.
    Does Rewatch have integrations?

    Yes, Rewatch has native integrations that ensure it fits seamlessly into your existing workflows and tooling.

  • 12.
    How can I get started with Rewatch?

    Start using Rewatch for free, choose a plan that fits your needs, or contact our sales team for a demo or to get more information on plans and pricing tailored for your organization. There’s no drawn-out implementation period with Rewatch: sign up for a plan, record your first meeting, and see the benefits of a more productive and collaborative workflow today.