

Amplify customer feedback

Learn how to create a powerful Voice of the Customer program, streamline customer feedback, and leverage AI for actionable insights.

Trusted by the world’s most productive businesses

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Maybe your current VoC software has seat restrictions that prevent enough teams from accessing the information. Maybe your company has never built workflows to document and share customer calls. Whatever your situation is, it’s a simple process to make this essential information readily accessible by every team.

In this on-demand webinar, Rewatch Customer Success Lead Reid Koster will discuss simple ways to create a Voice of the Customer program that can be used by the entire company.

This on-demand webinar covers:

  1. Explore how VoC programs improve products, customer service, and more.
  2. Find out how Rewatch saves you time by quickly processing and sharing customer feedback.
  3. Discover how AI distills hours of customer interactions into immediately useful insights.

This webinar was originally recorded live on March 26 at 10PST / 1 EST.

Watch on demand

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