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April 25, 2024

Introducing the new ROI analytics dashboard

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new update to our Rewatch analytics: the launch of the ROI analytics dashboard.

These new analytics provide Enterprise Admins with deeper insights into their team’s video consumption, efficiency gains, and the substantial cost savings achieved through the platform.

Below are the new features available in this update:

Time saved by watching meeting recordings

Our new "Watch Later Savings" metric reveals the amount of time saved by watching videos at an accelerated speed rather than attending the meeting live, enhancing efficiency across the board.

Time saved by AI summaries and AI transcripts

This metric calculates the time saved by utilizing AI-driven summaries and transcripts for quicker content absorption.

Average cost savings

Input your team’s average salary, and our advanced ROI calculator will generate personalized insights into the cost savings through efficient content consumption practices.

Total video minutes watched

Track the total minutes of video content consumed across your channel. This metric offers insights into overall engagement and the extent of video interaction.

Average video playback speed

Discover the average speed at which videos are watched, enabling an understanding of user preferences for content consumption pace.

Percentage of channel members utilizing automatic recording

Gain visibility into the adoption rate of automatic meeting recordings, a feature that significantly contributes to comprehensive content capture.

Video time compression with Rewatch AI

A visual showcases how Rewatch AI compresses the time you dedicate to meetings, by comparing the total minutes of video you have on your channel with the average time it takes to read transcripts and meeting recaps for that same amount of content.

Async collaboration metrics

Assess async collaboration through metrics on async video uploads, conversation engagement, and search inquiries, painting a complete picture of your Channel’s remote collaboration trends.

Identify the top videos within your channel — with specs on engagements, views, and actual playback — enabling content optimization and strategic planning.

These updates will not only enhance users’ understanding of content engagement, but also empower teams to leverage video content for maximum benefit.

ROI Meeting calculator

ROI calculator, available to everyone

Not an Enterprise Admin? You can get a taste of these analytics with our new on-site ROI calculator. Or, reach out to upgrade your account.